‘What do you all come here for?’ ‘Why, to change the world, of course! Don’t we all want to change the world . . . if we can?’
A General Election is coming and the Revolutionaries are gathering at Natalie’s house. She’s determined to be a part of it all, but is it really just about red coats, muddy boots and piles of glossy leaflets? Surely changing the world should be more exciting than that?
It’s time to start her OWN revolution – and it all begins with her pet rat .
. .
Praise for The Octopus, Dadu and Me:
"A charming, touching, exciting debut, with an irresistible cast of characters I didn''t want to leave behind. Now I''m off to case the local aquarium to get an octopus of my own..." David Owen, author of Alex Neptune: Dragon Thief
"A beautiful story of love & grief, art & friendship, and the changes that come to families as you grow up." Sarah Driver, author of The Huntress trilogy & Once We Were Witches series
“A heart-warming tale of changing family dynamics, friendship and it features the best octopus in literature - Ian! What a brilliant debut!” Maisie Chan, author of Tiger Warrior
Format |
Häftad |
Omfång |
304 sidor |
Språk |
Engelska |
Förlag |
UCLan Publishing |
Utgivningsdatum |
2024-11-07 |
9781915235831 |